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La Piedra Art Collective: Exhibit

Press Release: Social Justice Art Exhibit 

​February 15, 2025  Los Angeles, CA – In today’s polarized political climate, where debates about immigration, equity, and human rights dominate the national discourse, the power of art to inspire empathy and understanding has never been more crucial. Art is not just a reflection of society but a catalyst for change—a way to amplify voices, challenge injustices, and imagine a better future.​

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CAHAAS + Art & Archive Talk

June 23, 2024   CAHAAS facilitated an art & archives discussion at La Casa Roja in Mid-city for local artist members of the La Piedra artist collective. Azalea Camacho, Head of Special Collections and Archives at CSULA volunteered to share her expertise on the subject and La Piedra introduced their work in support of exchanging community knowledge with cultural and educational institutions. As a result, an art exhibit is in the works in 2025. 


Central American Studies Showcase - UCI HISTORY PROJECT

May 4, 2024   CAHAAS was invited to the Central American Studies Showcase along with other organizations such as Teaching Central America and the Garifuna Museum to celebrate recently completed Central American studies curriculum by local educators. CAHAAS displayed its resources for teachers and community by sharing its biographies, stories, books, and more. Director Cindy Mata-Villalta heads this UCI History Project that is a regional branch of the California History-Social Science Project (CHSSP), a statewide umbrella organization that promotes university-public school collaboration. 

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Cal State LA: Student Curated Exhibition

April 9, 2024   CAHAAS' co-founder, Claudia A. Portillo, presented at CSULA on community-based archives featuring the biography of Dora O. Magaña. She is an alumna whose narrative is helping students curate an exhibit about her life and times to better understand the complexities of immigration from Central America. CSULA anthropology professor, Dr. Ester Hernandez and Azalea Camacho, Head of Special Collections and Archives are spearheading the exhibit and display due Fall 2024. 


Central American Studies: K-12 Professional Development Series

January 11, 2024   Shared the stage with CAHAAS humanities advisor and CSULA anthropology professor, Dr. Ester Hernandez to talk about the Central American experience in the OC and the importance of representation in educational resource for Central American students.


Central American Studies: K-12 Professional Development Series

July 1, 2023   Claudia A. Portillo presented Critical Family History to Los Angeles teachers at the Jane B. Eisner Middle School, part of the Camino Nuevo Charter Academy network, who are taking part in a professional development program through the UCLA History-Geography Project, a site of the California History Social Science Project.


Teach Central America Week

October 10, 2024  the Central American Historical & Ancestral Society of California (CAHAAS) and the UCI History Project on Thursday, October 10th, from 6-8 PM,  celebrated Teach Central America week with the Latin American Studies program, Cal State LA Central American Studies Faculty Committee, and the University Library Special Collections & Archives at CSULA the various community efforts aimed at documenting and celebrating Central American history in Los Angeles. This year we highlighted the community work of artists and activists, and the evening's guest speakers Dora Magaña and Ricardo O’Meany. Participants toured a student-curated exhibit about Dora’s life as well as explored additional primary sources housed in CSULA’s special collections. 


Septiembre 01, 2023  En este programa de MendoLatino, entrevistamos a Claudia Portillo, Ester Hernández y Cindy Mata sobre la importancia de la memoria histórica de los y las inmigrantes de Centro America que ahora viven en California. Todas son educadoras que han luchado para que se incorpore material curricular sobre Centro America en las escuelas de California.

Ancestry TV Commercial

Claudia A. Portillo participó en un comercial de televisión de Ancestry para contar la historia de su tía Amalia, una enfermera salvadoreña de la Segunda Guerra Mundial que vivió y trabajó en San Francisco en la década de 1940 cuidando a los soldados que regresaban a casa de la guerra. Amalia era parte de un grupo de enfermeras minoritarias a las que se les permitió unirse a la fuerza laboral estadounidense para aliviar la escasez de enfermeras durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.


Historias que Inspiran es un proyecto de Historia de la Comunidad Raíces, y parte de las iniciativas del proyecto Historias de los Ancestros, Historias de Sanación.

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